Layer 2

Layer 2 Blockchain

Layer 2 in blockchain refers to the second layer built on top of Layer 1 and is designed to enhance scalability, speed, and efficiency of blockchain networks. These solutions aim to address the limitations of Layer 1, particularly in terms of transaction throughput and cost. Here’s a detailed explanation of key components within Layer 2:

Scaling Solutions:

Layer 2 primarily focuses on scaling solutions to increase the transaction throughput and overall performance of the blockchain. Various techniques, such as state channels, side-chains, and off-chain protocols, are implemented to enable faster and more cost-effective transactions. Take for example Polygon/MATIC, which is a layer 2 built on Ethereum‘s layer 1.

State Channels:

State channels are off-chain solutions that allow participants to conduct multiple transactions off the main blockchain. These transactions occur privately between participants and are only settled on the main blockchain when necessary. State channels are particularly useful for use cases that require frequent and fast transactions, such as micropayments and gaming.


Side-chains are independent blockchains connected to the main blockchain, allowing users to move assets and data between the main chain and the side-chain. These side-chains operate with their consensus mechanisms and rules. Which provides a scalable and flexible environment for specific use cases while ensuring the security of the main blockchain.

Plasma Framework:

Plasma is a framework for creating scalable and secure smart contracts on Ethereum and other compatible blockchains. This involves creating child chains or sub-chains (Plasma chains) that are connected to the main blockchain. These child chains can process transactions more quickly and at a lower cost, with the security of the main chain.

Layer 2 rollups:

Rollups are Layer 2 solutions that bundle multiple transactions together and submit them as a single batch to the main blockchain. There are two main types of rollups: optimistic rollups and zk-rollups. Optimistic rollups assume that transactions are valid and only submit data to the main chain if a dispute arises, while zk-rollups use zero-knowledge proofs to ensure the validity of transactions without revealing the transaction details.

Interoperability Protocols:

Solutions may also incorporate interoperability protocols to facilitate seamless communication and asset transfer between different Layer 1 blockchains. These protocols enable interoperability by creating bridges or connectors between blockchains, allowing assets to move across different networks.

User Experience Improvements:

Layer 2 solutions often aim to enhance the user experience by reducing transaction fees and confirmation times. Users can enjoy faster and more cost-effective transactions while still benefiting from the security and decentralization of the underlying Layer 1 blockchain. To show what this means: A typical Ethereum Layer 1 gas fee will range from $ 0.5 – $ 3 for a simple transfer. A typical MATIC Layer 2 gas fee will range from $ 0.001 – 0.02 for a simple transfer.

Layer 2 pictured in a pyramid.

Layer 2 Summarized

Layer 2 in blockchain is dedicated to improving the scalability and efficiency of blockchain networks by implementing solutions that operate on top of Layer 1. These solutions enable faster and more cost-effective transactions, making blockchain technology more practical for a wide range of applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and more.