Proof of space

Proof of Space consensus

Let’s talk about the Proof of Space blockchain consensus. Imagine your computer’s storage space turning into a way of mining. In the Proof of Space consensus, participants dedicate their hard drive space to store cryptographic proofs, becoming eligible to create new blocks and validate transactions.

It’s like offering up your disk real estate as a contribution to the blockchain. The more space you provide, the more chances you have to play a role in the blockchain’s decision-making. It’s a twist to consensus, where storage becomes the currency, ensuring a fair and decentralized way to secure the network.

Proof of Space is an eco-friendly alternative

Proof of Space introduces an eco-friendly alternative to traditional mining methods, significantly reducing the energy consumption associated with consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work. In PoS, participants generate and store vast amounts of cryptographic data, called “plots,” on their hard drives. When the network requires a new block, it searches through these plots to determine a winner, favoring those with more storage space allocated.

This approach not only democratizes the mining process, making it accessible to individuals without specialized hardware, but also leverages underutilized storage capacity, promoting efficient resource use. Additionally, PoS can be combined with Proof of Time to further enhance security and fairness, ensuring that the blockchain remains robust against potential attacks while maintaining a low environmental footprint.

Differences Proof of Capacity and Proof of Space

Terminology and Implementation:

  • (PoC): Describes the consensus mechanism employed by cryptocurrencies like Burstcoin. In PoC, miners precompute a large set of data and store it on their hard drives. The process of mining involves scanning these stored datasets to find solutions to cryptographic puzzles.
  • (PoS): This term is more broadly used and can refer to a variety of implementations where storage space is the primary resource. For example, Chia uses Proof of Space along with Proof of Time (PoST) to enhance security. PoS generally emphasizes the allocation of storage space for cryptographic data without necessarily precomputing datasets as in PoC.

Focus on Storage Use:

  • PoC: Focuses on precomputing and storing specific datasets, which are then used to participate in the mining process. The capacity refers to the amount of precomputed data stored.
  • PoS: Focuses on proving that a participant has allocated a certain amount of storage space for cryptographic proofs. The emphasis is more on the ongoing proof that space is being used rather than precomputed datasets.


  • PoC: Burstcoin (BURST) is the primary example, where miners plot their hard drives with precomputed data and use these plots to find solutions during mining.
  • PoS: Chia (XCH) uses Proof of Space, where farmers allocate disk space to store cryptographic data, combined with Proof of Time to enhance security.

Example of a PoS consensus blockchain

  • Chia Network (XCH)

Chia XCH uses the Proof of Space consensus.